
Time Flies

Having finished and shipped the bunnies to the library it is now time to turn my crafting attention to the gifts that I am planning to give to family this weekend.

Umm wait a minute that is only 4 days from now. And that’s if I could both today and Saturday.

I’m fairly certain my plans are overly ambitious at this point. But here they are:

1.       Bunny Blanket. This project is totally done. I finished the border and even wove in the ends last night at my knitting group.

2.       Koala Blanket. I got some info on the nursery décor and learned of a bit of an Australian theme, plus these super fun colors. So now I just need to figure out how to make one of my blanket animals be a Koala. And well make the whole thing.

3.       Hedgehog. At some point while taking a break from making bunnies I ran a search for “hedgehog” in ravelrys pattern searcher. There was a super adorable baby appropriate pattern that shouldn’t be too difficult (famous last words). So the plan is to abandon the little decorative hedgie and go that route.

4.       Sports something. I just never quite got completely behind my football hat idea. It didn’t work seasonally and then I was questioning football vs basketball. So I may just crochet up some soft versions of both balls instead. Alas I actually started the football hat (and had sizing issues) so I’ve already wasted time. Oops.

An overly ambitious list for certain. But I’m still thinking with some focus it could be doable. I ought to just work on one project at a time and run down the list. Buuuutttt the temptation to start everything at once is just too strong.

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